Last week, I dropped in on a swim squad that Kyle trains with from time to time and snapped a few pics from his last long session (a little over 7K) before IM Western Australia. This particular squad is in preparation for the biggest open water swim in this part of Western Australia, the Rottnest Channel Swim next February. After the session, we sat down and chatted more about his training.
What got you into triathlons?
Kyle - It was a slow progression in 2010 when I did the bike leg for a relay team in a 1/2 IM and that inspired me to try a 1/2 IM on my own in 2011. In addition to the 1/2 IM that year, I competed in a number of sprint and olympic distance events. I have a good good support group of friends to train and race with and in 2013, a few committed to going "the full hog" and signed up for the Western Australia IM in Busselton Dec 8th, 2013
Why do you want to do an Ironman?
Kyle - Looking for a bigger challenge and it seemed like a natural progression after completing the 1/2 IM distance.
How do you feel your Army training has helped you prepare for the IM?
Kyle - For starters, it has gotten me used to sleep deprivation, but more importantly, the discipline and mental toughness that the Army training has instilled in me has been a great asset. The flip side is the IM training has allowed me to better develop my endurance. Only being 23, in the past I have been too aggressive in my training so, taking on the IM distance has taught me how to be patient with a better long term approach to my overall fitness.
How do you keep the balance with school, work, girlfriend, family and training?
Kyle - I sometimes tread a fine line between too much training and too little study. Better planning of my days and cutting out unnecessary tasks is the key. The bottom line, it comes down to one word: efficiency. My girlfriend has been very supportive of the training and I look forward to the time we spend together away from our studies and work; often taking the option of a stroll along the beach or at a park to unwind.
What is your favorite recovery meal?
Kyle - For sure a smoothie post ride or run taste great. Coach has been showing me how to "really eat" after a tough training session. My new favorite smoothie is chocolate milk, with bananas, a few ice cubes and scoop of protein powder.
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What is he saying to that gel? |
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Lots of gear to choose from
Just like this pic! Anything else you would like to add?
Kyle - Don't under estimate the logistics of training and the time commitment of Ironman and endurance sports. A good way to be efficient with my cycling training was commuting to Uni. Sometimes as a recovery from a workout, other times serving as a warm up for a workout. Set up your training groups to help you stay on task and motivated in the training. We usually have a large group that heads down for the 1/2 IM every year now and a little healthy competition can be a great motivator.