With some great Spring weather this past weekend the roads were full of cyclists getting off the trainers and outside again.
Here are some things that may help you stay a bit safer:
1. Ride even more defensively. Motorists have been used to not seeing a lot of bike traffic during winter and need to adjust to you again.
2. Make yourself visible!!! Flashing lights on the back of bike are helpful along with your awesome cycling kit.
3. Take it easy in the corners. There is still quite a bit of sand and other debris on the road from winter.
4. Ride with Aloha and use some common sense. When overtaking a cyclist or group of cyclists say hello, on your left, good morning/afternoon, etc... It can be startling when getting passed and may help prevent the cyclist(s) your are passing from crashing into you.
5. Staying as far to the right side of the road as you feel comfortable and conditions allow for. When 2 abreast, please make frequent checks behind and single up when in doubt. While it is legal to ride 2 abreast, doing so when conditions are not safe (lots of traffic, no bike lane, narrow to no shoulder) puts you at more risk!
6. Make sure to check your bike for any loose bolts, working breaks, lube up the chain and good tires before hitting the roads.
7. In addition to #3 above, when turning or changing lanes, use hand signals so those behind and traffic ahead understands the path you are going to take.
There are plenty more things to add, but this is a good start to getting you rolling on the roads again. 16 days until Spring is officially here!
Train Smart Race Fast - Coach Eric