I am an adult onset long distance swimmer with some experience swimming local Masters' teams but mostly working on my own. I had a coach who had lots of experience with coaching older swimmers but he did not help me with writing appropriate workouts ( a skill unto itself). Thus I made little or no progress in developing my speed or endurance. Needless to say I felt extremely frustrated. I attended a swim camp and was referred to Eric. What a stroke of good fortune.
Where I am today with swimming is MILES away from where I was a short time ago. Eric took me on despite the fact that I am not a youngster. From the start he developed extremely challenging workouts which improved my speed and endurance. I was a 2:00/100 swimmer and now am a happy 1:43-1:40/100 swimmer. I am preparing for a 10 mile open water swim this summer and Eric's distance workouts are preparing me for that challenge. To that end, my fitness has improved by miles.
Eric has helped me improve my focus and centeredness in the pool and open water. He is ever interested in what adjunctive mind/body explorations I embark upon. He is always available to answer my (many) questions and concerns. He understands the challenges of being an older athlete but doesn't tone down the workouts at all..and continues to challenge me daily. In short Eric takes me seriously, is solidly on my side and wants me to succeed. Truly if you want to improve and succeed, Eric is your guy.